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Christmas cheer in a bliss ball!

Merry Xmas to everyone!! Thanks for an amazing year to all my family, friends, lovely yoga students, naturopath clients and amazing colleagues at The Health Emporium, Sage Beauty and Orchard St. To get into the festive spirit here is a lovely recipe for that Christmas cake taste in a healthy bliss ball. They…

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Spring has sprung….

How amazing is this weather!? Spring is finally here. This is great news, however a change of seasons can also play havoc with allergies, colds/flus, and also in Ayurveda it can affect our doshas. We are all made up of the 5 elements that make up the doshas, Vata, Pitta and…

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Morning rituals..

As we come into Winter, it might be a little harder for us to wake up and have that 'get up and go' feeling we had during the Summer. As a yogi having studied Ayurveda, I have become accustomed to a little ritual in the morning that really helps me to…

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Chocolatey goodness for your lips…

The subject of chocolate keeps coming up.. yum!! While we are on the subject, I came across the perfect antedote to chapped and dry lips and skin this Winter and which is also good enough to eat!!! A chocolate lip gloss....tuck in! Adapted from Claire Casey's recipe. Simply use: 1½ teaspoons grated cocoa butter ½…

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‘Waste not want not’ pulp fritters

I hate wasting anything... probably from my beloved mother who would make me eat my dinner for breakfast if I didn't finish it all that night. :) So having made some yummy organic juice and almond milk today, I could not throw away the pulp. So instead I whipped up some…

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Breaking the fast…

I don't know about you, but breakfast has always been one of my favourite meals. However, with lots of information available on what not to eat these days, and many of us now trying to avoid eating gluten, wheat and dairy and even grains altogether, it can sometimes be very…

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